Friday, March 27, 2009

An open letter to men who think the way to approach a woman at the gym is to give her "tips" on her weightlifting form

I know you are older. I am sure you've been working out a lot longer than I have. But unless you have the body of Brad Pitt in Fight Club, a sense of humour like Stephen Colbert and the penetrating blue eyes of my first boyfriend, then find something else to talk to me about.

"The water in this cooler is really cold" or "nice weather". It really doesn't matter. I like talking to people. I didn't even really mind stopping my workout to indulge you on your second approach, hearing about your "resentment" over your separation from your wife and how management at gyms you've belonged to in the past have asked you to stop talking to members about their form because "you were making all the trainers look bad". The bottom line is, I have shelled out loads on personal trainers; I read fitness magazines and watch The Biggest Loser (sometimes). Me, and others like me, are going to find a man like you, doing this, condescending, and I am sure you are smart enough to know from the get-go this is really not going to get you anywhere.

Bottom line: I am going to be irritated by a man who steals my time to provide a lengthy series of "tips" I don't want, all while yelling because he cannot be bothered to take his earbuds out.

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